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An Evolution of Alchemy

The earth, the water , the fire, the Air

Return, return...return

In consideration of the Avatars that move Destiny and Divinity through this passage in the Earth School...We rise in the Oneness of Collective thought and BEING...

from the Air that is our Breath

the waters and Rivers of our tears

the world's toxicity released in Turtle back of Inipi.

Graced by the wisdom of the Stone People

Heated by the fires of our Intentions

Collective and Personal...

We ARE the Ones that we have Been waiting for

and yes our cellular DNA is RE-membering More with every passing moon!

How are we tending the fires of our awakening? What are the channels by which we take in the FALL of many towers Be-tween Heaven and Earth in order to Stand up Fully in the Beauty of Truth through Co-creation?

We must say Goodbye to all that no longer serves the highest of Our Destiny, the mission, our part in a Greater Whole!

The Good Medicine we carry along from Life's experience regenerates our Soul's Daring...

Walking through, forward and in our Dreams of Tomorrow is a choice that comes with some powerful spiritual disciplines to anchor ALL that is present in the Reality of many dimensions converging!

In checking in with Source as the #1 Star players that are extensions of Source...the Ancient and wise council of Ofun that guide and direct our footsteps has many guardrails of Question>>>

In ANY given moment how are we showing up for ourselves and the Souls of millions in

and Between the agreements of the Living, Dead and those waiting to BE born?

If we have the lives of Shepherds, how do we watch, pray and obey the signs and wonders of these times...?

Where and with Who are deeply Allegiant? Divergent? and Why?

What are our powers of shapeshifting?

Wherever you are BEing or it the Best expression of your Lifeforce?

As we work diligently behind the scenes to bring the Kindred of Sangoma website forward from a three year SLEEP... The updates, Evolutions, Elevations are REAL....your Engagement and Connection

is what we serve and one Heartbeat!

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