Truthtellers Tarot Testimonials
As we are transitioning through the second round of preorders toward an early August delivery, we are inviting each of you to read these shared "testimonies".
The beautiful experience of their accuracy and Candor, has revealed more wisdom and guidance on the medicine wheel, which is crucial to our navigation these days!
There's no denying the forces of dark deceptions swirling as the Tower continues to Fall.
We are very much looking forward to the infinite ways we are empowered to support and strengthen the co-creation of Earth and all our relations.
The Truthtellers Tarot births
And rebirths the places in Sacred conversations
Where the ancient illumination in our Souls
Brings Truthtelling to the stories of our lives.
From the Dreamtime in South Africa,
this offering to our Beloved Kindred is made Manifest…
Life and Death are in the power of the tongue!
These Truthtellers bring a clear assessment
of what is working or not in our SWOTs.
Opportunities and
The question at hand is through our SWOTS assessment.
Where are you?
Are you well and magnetizing abundance such that
you are always in a generous, giving space
of paying your blessings forward?
Deepening our relationship with truth and candor
keeps the current flowing in our currencies, the willing exchange of energy
Sacred Navigation in the Forward Progression
depends upon and relies on the Truths we Walk and Talk!
Tips on getting REALLY familiar with this Oracle...
All of the Major Arcana have their Move phases and the Keys of Infinity...
Each of the 4 Directions are found easily by their elemental symbol...Earth, water, fire and air
and the symbols from the gypsy tarot of playing cards.
Most inquiry for myself or others has been answered with one ONE Truthteller
or perhaps a Clarifying card, depending on the depth of the question?
Some projects in working with larger groups rest for us in a three-card spread.
We allow the shuffling to drop us into the Fullness of energy in the people, places or things of our inquiry.
This allows us to receive the Truth with an open heart and embrace to Many possible viewpoints or "lens" that
BEcome our compass or the tool that deeply assists our Inner GPS.
Pre-order yours today…
"The Upgraded 10 commandments which goes deep beneath the dictates of " Thou shalt not"
But take you into your own Truth and you in Truth ( the face of truth)
Decide your code of moral conduct without deception. Where the veils are thin Truthtellers dissolves veils. A card daily. A card to discern, a spread and divination to bring big reveals and energy to support forward movement. Truthtellers is a sacred key of activation of illuminating and empowering the Higher self, the Divine Being, the Spirit Womb-man -
Ace of Diamond - Illumination of Lifetimes"
- H.G. Oribunmi Anunaku Osceola
"Her Excellency, the Beloved Sovereign Witchy Starseed Mermaid Yoruban Priestess Sangoma Oludoye has created an amazing oracle, a Divinely channeled tool for which I am so grateful. I love the “Faces of Truthtellers” Oracle Deck and Divination Guidebook. They are a powerful tool for self-discovery and insight. I own many oracle decks, and this one goes to a deeper spiritual level, encouraging me to develop a closer relationship with the Sacred, and to approach the divination process with reverence and ritual.
The guidebook holds many gems of wisdom and includes a glossary of terms, so the reader can be clear about the author’s message. Sangoma’s Truthtellers pose many questions for contemplation that evoke insights about how we are operating in the world, and what beliefs and perceptions are behind our actions. I just pulled the card of the Truthteller ‘Gives Praise’, and one question that she poses is, “are we a blessing to others?” I am regularly impressed with the relevancy of the messages received.
Sangoma Oludoye has sourced and integrated wisdom from various mystical traditions including astrology, Native American, Yoruban, and Goddess in her work, and channeled the Truthteller deck through her connection to spirit and the ancestral realm. This beautiful deck demonstrates her unique understanding of the spiritual and mystical teachings of these traditions.
The cards are vividly beautiful with compelling images of the Faces of Truthtellers and have a lovely silky feel when held. I find myself reaching for this deck frequently, asking “what is the truth I need to be reminded of?”, eager to discover what Face of the Truthtellers will be revealed.
Thank you Sangoma Oludoye!"
- Kris Drumm
"WOW! This one-of-a-kind Truthtellers deck embodies lifetimes of adventure and ancient insight while allowing the mystery of your unique story to gracefully unfold. Sangoma you have masterfully laid out a deck that helps unseal destiny by shuffling infinite possibilities. I embrace the nowness of choosing Truthtellers cards and the newness that each reveals! Divine Intelligence at work!
Playfulness is the New Wellness"
- Jahmie Ya Vompesseh Ka Blai
Founding Member/Acoustic Sound Medicine Collective
"Over the past few years, I have been blessed with many opportunities to sit with Sangoma and learn from her vault of inner wisdom. When Sangoma finally birthed the Faces of the Truthtellers I was compelled to sit with this sacred technology and allow its wisdom to infuse me with new awarenesses, while also learning how this technology worked.
This deck is the culmination of many esoteric lineages that stoke the inner flame of wisdom, grace, clarity, empowerment, and assisting in remembering your divinity. As a grief tender and mental health clinician, I utilize this deck to help individuals find their footing and remember their purpose. This deck is a powerful force in illuminating and activating the TRUTH!"
- H.G. Ifewunmi Lewis
"The truthtellers deck is such an inspiration in our, being because it pulls the unspoken question of our higher self. Ki OBATALA , In our weekly grounding and clarification ritual and rhythm. We appreciate the influence of Yeye Sangoma's hit the bulls eye channel of communication with our unseen guardians, protectors and angels. The truthtellers are direct in delivering the information in a right in your face kind of way. Gratitude,peace, Love and life."
- Ifafunke Esuseeke Agboola
Director of Tourism Oyotunji
As we approach the opening of the Westgate on the medicine wheel of the year 2024, the Autumn Equinox invites us to pivot toward the "going within" place as we journey into the winter cave of the Bear.
We give thanks for the candor of the TRUTH that has been tried, fired, in and through us in the blaze of summer just gone by. Like the leaves that peak in the height of their beauty just before they die and fall back to Earth, these Truthtellers help us to separate fact from fiction necessary to step off the path of resistance, release and compost all that no longer serves the highest of our good or Destiny.
This season, without question, is froth with Sacred Activists!
In honor of this force of goodness and Light, this is our VIP package that includes a handmade medicine bag, ancestral divination,and the Oracle.
Soul Gardenia, is a Westgate Truthteller package that offers a complimentary ancestral divination and the Oracle.
The Truthteller package of Malaika, Olori of the Femmn Fatale, Female Archangels offers just the Oracle.
All these packages includes shipping within the US and please allow up to six weeks for delivery.