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MSA 2024 Fall Quarter
Navigating the Darkness in the Brilliance of Your LIGHT!
An online teaching series (Zoom) six, weekly 90-minute temple time gatherings
Begins: Tuesday ,Sept.24th at 7 pm
Closing: Tuesday, October 29th
$180 for full six week course.
$25 a la carte
Sept. 24 - Tending Our Spiritual Gardens Balancing Divinity Within
This exploration invites us to take a deep dive into what is growing, overgrown or in a drought in the gardens of our souls. As we are now evolving through the fall elliptical Season of 2024, what are we harvesting from the lessons and passages of this year? How fertile is our soil? what seeds have we planted or want to plant to germinate through the winter? What tools are needed? What is the condition of the tools we have?
What are we looking forward to BLOOMING in Spring of 2025?
Oct.1 - Alchemical, Cultural, Mystical Tools for Sovereignty, Well Being & Innerpeace
What are the real adventures between Nature, Culture, and Spirit? As we advance our knowledge through many healing alternatives and spiritual technologies we hope to engage in dialogue that reveals and supports our working definitions of alchemy, mysticism, sovereignty, well-being, self-care, and Innerpeace. Together we pray to exchange what’s working or not working for ourselves and our communities as relates to dis-ease Any and everywhere in our individual and collective bodies.
Oct.8 - Medicine Wheels, Truthtellers and other Tools of Sacred Navigation
This adventure gives Full Disclosure to the Seasons and Faces of Truthtelling. Fear of the unknown has its own challenges. Together, with the guidance of our Truthtellers Tarot, we are seeking empowerment to critically examine our Divine Blueprints for this journey through Earthschool. Which among our core Truths and values are straight as an arrow? How well acquainted are we with our Divine destiny, missions, and purpose in this lifetime? What about the way we are living …informs our right livelihood and "rite" relationships with ALL our relatives?
Oct.15 - Energy Medicine: What it is? Why and how it works?
The book …Seven Spiritual Causes of Ill Health by Hannah Kroger, catapulted us into the world of Energy Medicine!!! Hands of Light, Barbara Brennan is another. Learning the natural laws and systems of Energy, frequency, and vibration is still challenging for many that offer their power over to western medicine. Embracing the old saying “physician Heal thyself” is motivation to know more than BIOLOGY in maintaining mental, emotional, physical, and especially spiritual wellness. This exploration follows the inner tracking we do internally to discern what is harmful or helpful to choosing and living in our optimum potential as much as possible!
Oct.22 - Tending the Fires deep in the Sanctuary of our Soul
This exploration brings us to the crossroads and pivotal turns in self-care as the weather, time, eating, and nutrition shifts & changes. We are fairly confident that those attracted to this series or this particular wisdom ARE in touch with how familiar it is and spending quality time in the Sanctuary of the Soul! Some may never have been introduced to the HOLINESS of the Soul as it dwells, grows, hurts is traumatized by our lived experiences and how are you feeling at any given moment, day or season of your Life. These conversations waiting to be had carry great potency to our Longevity…
Energy never dies.
Oct.29 - Ceremonies for Winter’s Hibernation and Germination
This Closing session of the Fall Quarter includes a review of our takeaways and toolkits, an exchange of ideas, practices, and disciplines in manifesting with clarity and focus of our forward progression to the Season of the Raven as 2024 ends. Our watchwords are Balance, Truth, Alchemy, Energy Medicine, Resilience, and restoration.